Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Sick Bed Calleth

Today, after a week long marathon session of coughing attacks, I admitted defeat and turned myself over to modern medicine. To be brutally honest, I only did so because I woke up this morning with that ailment we all know and love as 'pink eye'. That would definitely merit a doctor's visit. So, with barely much of a voice left, I made an appointment for both afflictions. Pink eye was confirmed on the spot, along with an edict as I was leaving afterwards that all rooms I had entered on the floor be detoxed due to "a patient with conjunctivitis". That would be little old me who ruined an nurse's day.

The bronchitis diagnosis was a shocker because I think the last time I had it was when I was a baby. I was also informed of having blood pressure just a tad on the low end and told to drink more fluids. I'm assuming that'll go back to normal after this passes and I can actually drink without coughing everything up! I was prescribed what is known as a Z-Pack to help both the bronchitis and the pink eye.

What pains me more is that my good friend D and his now fiancee, K, have come stateside to visit. I showed them around the city this past weekend with a voice that was barely audible and which cracked and gurgled at inopportune moments. Not fun for all.

By the end of the day, it hurts so much to cough that I do so with an open mouth, shots of saliva dotting the computer screen as I type. To have a coughing session with a closed mouth only forces my abdominal muscles to do double duty, and this pains me more.

I've been sick for quite some time now. Alarmingly so. It's been a shock to be in such a condition as this. I've canceled tons of plans and spent many weekends relaxing in hopes of recovering faster only to feel good for awhile then progress to horrible in a matter of days. I just want it all over and done with.

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