Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ireland - Day Five

Just got back!

Last night, as planned, I went out some of my hostel mates. Had a faboo time. The disco nap on the bus back from Belfast did me a world of good so I could be in top form for going out. We hit a bar near to the hostel before stopping at a pub on the Quay near to the Temple Bar area.

The pub was packed and we were highly amused by the antics of one girl in particular, whom we nicknamed "pink shirt", and was dancing wildly and out of sync. Kind of like Elaine from Seinfeld, but sped up and the appearance of a seizure or two thrown in. We weren't out for too long, but enough. One of the girls turned me on to a great drink - cider with a shot of blackcurrant. We stumbled back and I clocked in under four hours of sleep but made sure to get up super early this morning to catch the bus back to the airport.

It was quite soothing really. Taking in the last of the city so early in the morning. I miss that feeling of being alone for few minutes in Dublin, before the hustle and bustle begins for the day. Thankfully, I didn't let time slip because the airport turned out to be so crowded. I had avoided doing an online check-in, which I ended up regretting because I ended up with possibly the worst seat on the plane! The middle seat in the last row of the plane. Having only four hours and needing some sleep was so difficult. I ended up throwing a blanket over my head to get some semblance of shut eye. Given that I was in the middle, there was no way I could curl up anywhere. It was a rough ride.

Naturally, I miss Dublin already. But I feel I did so much in the short time allowed there. I really moved around. I would definitely visit Ireland again. However, it would be a trip to focus on the western side of the isle. Getting back to NYC, it was depressing getting hit like a ton of bricks by the heat. Aside from the spurts of rain, Dublin had such perfect temperatures.

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