Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hong Kong, Here I Come!

I've booked both the hotel and flight for my jaunt from Taipei to Hong Kong.

I almost (but didn't) ended up at the infamous Chung King Mansions. Cutting it so close, I was sure one of the gazillion hotels in that complex would end up being my only choice. This could have been quite the experience, or not. Either way, right now, I'm secure with my choice of the Dragon Hostel. I'm seeing great reviews on different sites. It's not really a hostel in the sense that you would know, the bunk beds with strangers experience and all that, but a teeny tiny totally no frills hotel room with it's own bathroom. Probably about the size of postage stamp. As with most of these types of hostels in Hong Kong, there is really no area to socialize, and no breakfast. I'm a big breakfast girl so I will have to find something nearby.

I chose Hong Kong as a destination probably because I work in a business that deals with the country on a day to day basis. Because of this, it just seemed to make sense. Plus, that equal marriage of East and West is appealing. Besides, who knows if or when I'll ever get to that side of the world again. My uncle had visited the Philippines and expressed his regret at not doing a quick side trip to a nearby country, and that really stuck with me. So, I took his advice and will forever be grateful that I did.

The countdown begins...

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