Tuesday, May 22, 2007

"Feed Me Gramercy!"

I’m trying my hand at plant ownership - again. Those who know me are well aware that I can’t seem to keep anything alive in that tenement trap. Blame a dry heating source and lack of direct sunlight, but it seems that the minute I bring any greenery inside, it curls up and dies a dog’s death within a matter of days.

Yesterday, on my way back from the doctor’s, I passed a floral shop that had little Venus fly traps outside. Intrigued, I stopped and inquired about the upkeep on such an interesting horticultural creature. I was told what sounded good to me – low light and no watering needed. Sounds like my kind of plant! So, you keep the top on this little guy to keep him moist. Once in awhile, you take the top off in order for him to catch bugs. This should be interesting.

Now, what do I name him? A plant certainly deserves a name.

I thought immediately of the movie - musical play - and remake Little Shop of Horrors and decided that naming him Audrey II or Seymour would be too cliché. Then, it came to me. Men are from Mars, women are from Venus. I’m going to be totally sexist and say that I identify a bug killing plant as male.

Mars it is.

Mars is my Venus fly trap’s name.

(Okay, that last bit sounded kind of naughty)

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