Friday, April 20, 2007


Stopped in at Burritoville for their most excellent, magnificent salsa. I was fixin' to make quesadillas and realized that the meal just would not be complete without my favorite tortilla topping.

While there, I checked out, and then bought, a beverage called Horchata.
Dubbed as "Mexico's Favorite Drink" on the menu, I thought I'd give it a try. With only four ingredients (non-fat milk, rice powder, sugar and cinnamon), it seemed to be something that would interest me. Plus, it played into my love of sweet milky drinks.

The verdict? Looks kinda like baby formula. Tastes like a liquid form of rice pudding, but heavy on the cinnamon-y side. I compare it more to a ghetto version of eggnog.

Don't see myself ever buying it again, but you don't know unless you try.

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