Thursday, March 08, 2007

Wollman Rink Skating Meetup

I love to ice skate, but I rarely get the opportunity to partake. Years ago, I discovered I'm quite the natural. I guess all those years of professional dance and living in roller skates helped me more than I realized. Can't do figure eights, lutzes or salchows, but with tons of training, who knows?

Since none of my friends enjoy skating, I figured I'd join some folks at a Meetup. I was disappointed when I couldn't find my group at the proposed spot, but whatever. Why cry when I can carry on by myself and have a chance to meet other like minded people without a group? So, I headed off to Wollman Rink and set out to skate to my heart's delight. Later, I was to find out that a few others also went it alone because they too couldn't find the group.

After several minutes of clinging to the sides (I did say it had been years!), I gained my momentum and was off. I'm so glad I decided to go in the face of social adversity because I had a blast, and met some wonderful people at the same time. Several were tourists hoping to soak up a NY experience. The others were people looking to have fun, like me. The weirdest moment was when I bumped into a co-worker!

My only regret was I wished I had brought my camera, because the view of the city from the rink is indescribable. You couldn't help but look up every once in awhile, soak it in, and just remember that you are small change compared to what's going on out there. Stunning.

After about two hours, my ankles were feeling chewed up from the skates and I knew it was time to go. The walk from the rink to the street was a bit scary. It's hard enough to navigate Central Park during the day, so you can imagine how much more difficult it is during nighttime. I just chose a lit walkway, and prayed for the best! Remember that scene from the Wizard of Oz after Dorothy retrieves both the scarecrow and the Tin Man? At first it's all bright happy Technicolor and dancing and singing. Then, as they head into the forest, their world closes in around them. That's the experience I had tonight. I walked away from the rink, all lit up with kids shrieking in happiness into complete quiet wilderness. Something hissed at me as I walked by the pond. After I ruled out a mountain lion (hey, it could happen!), I put on my glasses to see (I'm so vain), and realized it was only a couple of raccoons defending their turf.

I decided to continue with the skating Meetup group, but if I never find them, it's no big woop.

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