Saturday, March 10, 2007

Cetaphil Score

The thing I love about this city is that you never know when you're going to bump into an opportunity. Case in point - today. I headed towards the subway, while passing the Daryl Roth Theatre, and noticed there was a Cetaphil event taking place inside. Outside were event workers passing out free samples of said products. Once inside, where everyone was welcome, I was given a blue Cetaphil bag containing even more samples.

Once inside, I waited on line to spin a wheel for free products. I ended up winning a full size of Therapeutic Hand Cream! I wish I had won something different, but still, it was nice to walk away with free stuff. I scored tons of free samples, which I love, because I just adore Cetaphil products. That's the beauty of this event; the freebies will get great use.

After I retrieved my prize, I headed over to a hand massage station and received a nice massage with, you guessed it - Cetaphil moisturizer (double duh!). Speaking with the "masseuse", I learned she was actually an event worker and got the job from a company called Event Pro Strategies. I will keep a note of that, in case the urge or need to get involved in marketing arises.

It's always great to come across an unexpected treat.

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