Friday, March 23, 2007

Avocados & Ice Skating - Revisited

Last night was a harsh ice skating session. It was a bit warm and very humid, yet cold enough to keep Wollman Rink open (there’s a cooling system underneath). However, skating on sharp cold ice is a bit different than the soupy, scraggly mess I faced last night. Anytime you see gleaming super slick ice, don’t fret. As much as it looks hard, scary and sharp as knives, it’s going to provide you with the smoothest ride you can imagine. Apparently, others were having problems as well. We were one huge sweaty fallsy bunch out there; including yours truly. Less than one hour into it all, it start to rain. I held out for as long as possible before throwing in the towel.

Once home, I decided to revisit the avocado milkshake recipe. It made perfect sense not to binge on junk, since I just had a grueling workout (and two decadent cookies before leaving for the rink!). But, I didn’t have the time or energy to make a meal, and I wanted something refreshing as well. So I pulled out the blender and got to work. I had purchased some rum extract, which made it all taste so much better. This is definitely now part of my repertoire. I was really bummed when I finished up the shake cause I wanted more, but I knew it wouldn't be a wise choice for my waistline.

Whilst preparing it, I got to thinking. Parents give babies avocado mashed with banana to form a concoction called “Chunky Monkey”. It’s way tasty and way good for babies. Well, they don’t actually verbalize the tasty opinion to us, you just have to guess by their facial expressions. Half avocado/half banana? Hmmm, I will have to begin the milkshake experiments. It can only result in yumminess.

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