Monday, February 05, 2007

To Quote Phil Collins:

"You know I don't care no more"

I've been doing a peculiar thing of late. I've been taking pictures of the city with wild abandon.

If you had told me several years ago that I would be doing this, I would have looked at you in horror. The kind of horror that you see in slasher movies when the partially clad victim has exhausted all means necessary and several frantically turned locked doors to get away from the chainsaw wielding maniac. THAT look.

I'm growing a thick enough skin to the point of actually pulling out my mini subway map on a crowded subway and not giving a shit. You see, living on an express stop kinda spoils you. So, sometimes I need the help when I'm going somewhere on a local line.

The camera to me has become no different. I'm becoming comfortable enough to realize that the world is not going to end if I look like a tourist. Because I'm not one.

There's another thing I realized. This city is constantly changing. My neighborhood, in the ten years I've lived here, has gone through so many changes. The nail salon around the corner? I have totally forgotten what it used to be prior to it being a nail salon. The Met supermarket? Used to be a Ricky's back in the day when they weren't as highfalutin as they are now. The Variety Theater is gone, but you can see what it used to look like in all its former glory if you watch the movie Taxi Driver. Taking pictures of things here is only natural, and historical, given the constant changes.

So. I will begin to post my pics. When I have them. When the situation calls for them. When I want to show you something. When I feel like sharing.

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