Sunday, May 18, 2008

Free To Be From the CPE

So, there's this exam my current college has and students are required to pass it in order to graduate. It's called the CPE, and after so many credits, the administration chases you down until you take it. Apparently, each time they send you a letter, if you don't register to take the exam, it's marked on your record as an absence. You're only allowed three absences until, who knows, they send you to the guillotine? Of course, I didn't know this until the third letter arrived, spaced years apart.

Under duress, I finally registered for both the workshop and the exam. During the workshop it's very important that you take lots of notes and ask lots of questions because there is a certain way you go about doing everything in order to pass. To top it off, the only day I could participate in the workshop was on a Sunday from 10-3. Gah!

The day of the exam, after being bossed around by officials on where to sit and what he could have on our desks, we sat down to begin. There were two tasks; an essay and a claim. The quiet of the room was interrupted frequently by the sounds of student officers, who walk around to make sure no one is cheating. There are no bathroom breaks during the four hours you are sequestered in this room. While the process is indeed stressful and at times intense, if you did well in English 101 and 102, you'll do fine.

I did fine and passed.

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