Monday, December 24, 2007

God Jul, Now Det Cool

I became acquainted with a song that proved to be an ear worm and which dominated my thoughts while in Denmark.

On the #159 bus in Ballerup, this funky song played over the bus driver's radio. It was of all things, a Danish rap song. Even more unusual, a Danish Christmas rap song. I immediately thought it interesting. It was a catchy tune.

With only the tune in my head and the fact that it was both Danish and a rap song, thankfully, I didn't have to search for too long. Even if I didn't know any of the lyrics and had to rely on carefully strung together search words, it was found after only a few tries. After all, I don't think that there are many songs in this genre out there. Unless there is some crazy Scandinavian underworld that I'm not familiar with.

So, when you listen to the song, try and picture this stark scenery while amongst only elderly people who are silent, on a bus in the middle of nowhere. Oh, and picture that you're probably the only American for miles. It adds to the humor. At least it did for me.

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