Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Doing Better

Kittendy love Morgan is almost 100% better. He is probably at a 95% capacity, right now. According to the vet, the 106F fever combined with an unusual infestation of fleas, may have been the root cause of his serious illness. There was a lot of hesitation whether he should be given his normal dose of flea medication, considering the state he was in. My mother had stopped all treatments during this time out of concern for the sorry state of his health. The vet agreed and prescribed a low dose, which seems to have done the trick.

Morgie is pretty much back to normal, meowing away and losing weight because of the increase in activity. He was getting too chubby with his lethargy and a normal appetite. Not a good combination for an already fat cat.

Still, no happy feet. Happy feet are those big paws simultaneously curling and stretching in contentment when lovings are being administered.

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