Sunday, July 01, 2007

2B or Not 2B

In a monumental turn of events, for once, I am siding with my landlords. No, I haven't bought a one way ticket for a ride on the crazy train...yet. The reason involves a rabble rouser whom I'll call 2B.

Last year, when I brought my landlords to housing court over some serious issues (like no heat in the middle of March), 2B suddenly seemed very interested in getting involved with my case. Even to the point of declaring she would come to court with me. I kept my guard up, because after all, she never said so much as one word to me in all the years I have lived in this building. A bit weird for someone who not only lives on my floor, but who is also five doors down from me. At first, I chalked it up to weirdness, but now, I know the full scope of things. 2B only wants to associate with you if it involves causing trouble.

It all began several days ago, while gathering up my trash for next day's pickup, I noticed numerous things that did not compute. One was the absence of bins for both our paper and plastic recyclables. The other was the disappearance of the huge can for our regular garbage. Both the bin for plastics and the bin for our regular garbage have had a longstanding place inside our vestibule. The bin for our paper goods was always inside the foyer.

Apparently, 2B, angry over the legal change from rent control to stabilization, decided to work with her lawyer to make things difficult for the building's owners. My guess is that he is some shyster Lionel Hutz type of "law talking guy", who probably has a 1-800 number that coincides with his area of litigious expertise. Her master plan was to get the landlord to exclude her from the rent change over. So, she made several calls to 311 to complain about the "garbage problem". I put that in full-on ridiculous finger quotes because there was never a garbage problem.

The charges have resulted in the relocation of our bins to the outside of the building, and the complete loss of paper recycling for us tenants. Now the building is a major eyesore -- and has a huge potential for serious rodent problems. The landlords are also dealing with one city agency who agrees that garbage left inside the building creates a health hazard, and another agency who claims that it's a hazard to keep leaving garbage outside of the building. It is now all in limbo as the agencies duke it out, and considering it's the City of New York the landlords are dealing with, we're in it for the long haul.


So, where is 2B in all of this? Carrying on day to day in her own merry little way, completely oblivious and uncaring that this is, in the long run, only going to bite her in her skinny little ass. Not that she actually cares about the garbage, it is merely a minor coup for all her dastardly efforts. What has happened is a loss of support for whatever offenses the owners have caused her over the years. Now, she is on the outs with the tenants, and that's something you really don't want, or need. Hey, we're suffering from this too! In several ways. We are not the only ones who got screwed by the legal ruling from control to stabilization. That was Albany's doing. Now, we also have to deal with lack a of waste facilities, and a possible rodent problem as well. All because one person went on a selfish campaign against the wrong people.

I hate you 2B! Crying wolf will be the death of you when you actually get eaten by the wolf. I really wish you had picked the proper battles.

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