Thursday, May 10, 2007

Topic for Research Paper

I've pretty much decided that the topic of my research paper will be about the Alaskan Inupiat and the Canadian Iqaluit and the problems each tribe is facing due to global warming. The Inupiat and the Iqaluit comprise the indigenous peoples we refer to as the Inuit, or "Eskimo" as they are often better known.

That's going to be a lot for me to chew on! I'll need all the luck in the world to pull this off. I originally thought of researching the history of the Hawaiian monarchy, but we are focusing more on the continental US and Canada. Not so much on the Pacific Islands.

You didn't know that Hawaii was once a kingdom? When someone tells you that the US never had a monarchy of its own, you can with confidence declare, "No my friend, we had one until 1887".

A very interesting history indeed.

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