Friday, May 04, 2007

Freak Out! LeSportsac, C'est Chic. Freak Out!

Yesterday, a co-worker and I ducked out of work and schlepped down to the Metropolitan Pavilion for the LeSportsac sample sale. Apparently, and according to those working there (I guess you could say those in-the-know), this was LeSportsac’s first sample sale in fifteen years. The stuff would be up to 80% off the regular retail price!!

The line outside the sale was L-O-N-G. We waited an hour just to get inside. Thankfully, bossman was away on business, or else we would never have gotten away with that crime against humanity. They were only letting five in for every five people who left. The thing I hate about long lines full of anticipated and easy to anger persons is that you’ve got that infamous game of Telephone going on (or "Chinese whispers" for my un-PC readers). This is great when you really want to create crowd chaos [insert sarcasm here]. Rumors become rampant, and things are taken out of context. To give you a for instance - When someone from the sale came down and told the crowd that the line to pay by credit card was about an hour wait and if you pay in cash, the cash line will be shorter, you heard whispers of “we can only pay in cash!” Of course, someone turns to the other and says, “She said we can only pay in cash, no credit cards”. Not true there, rabble rouser. I can only dare to imagine what that comment turned into by the time it reached the end of the line.

Once we managed to get in, it was well worth it. Luckily, because the space at the MP is big, everything was very organized and easily accessible - considering the ensuing madhouse. There was A LOT of inventory. My heart beating and my feet on go; I bolted around the place clutching the huge bluish-clear heavy grade garbage bag they pass out to you at the entrance for a shopping bag. The thing to do is grab what looks good, throw it in your bag and inspect it later to see if you actually want it.

Prices on the wall indicated the more you bought, the more you saved. So, say, a cell phone holder was for $10. If you bought three of them, they would go down to about $6 each. You catch my drift?

In the end I amassed quite the pile of booty. The line to pay by credit card was long. The cash line? Like, five minutes. I thought I had enough to pay by cash, but ended up having to borrow from said co-worker. Otherwise, I would have been banished to the back of the credit card line like I was being dragged away to a Turkish prison. Perish the thought.

What did I get for my blood, sweat and tears?

  • Three Bitsy black cell phone holders [can be used to hold other things] (for myself, my mom and as a gift)

  • Two black Sallie camera bags (one for myself, one for mom)

  • Two Majorica print purses (one for myself, the other for a relative)

  • Plaid Lux small traveller tote

  • Stagelights small traveller tote

  • Traditional Basic black purse (for mom)

  • A classic Black & White Spectator bum bag (for mom)

  • Traditional Basic black key coin pouch

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