Sunday, March 04, 2007

March Shelter Duty

Last night was my night for shelter duty this month. If you remember, the last time it was my turn, the shelter was cancelled for the weekend. It turns out they had been sick. Last night my fellow volunteer was a newbie. I hope she'll return as she appears to be the type to return. She seemed to take everything in stride and she had shelter experience in Texas during Hurricane Katrina.

Turns out, the cool thing was that she's a fashion student at FIT. I always get excited when I have the chance to "talk shop" with someone who is familiar with the business. We both rolled our eyes and laughed with much understanding when she explained that almost everyone in her major expects to become a buyer. It's difficult sometimes being in fashion, especially since I'm not on the retail end of the field. When people find out I'm in fashion, invaribly they think of The Devil Wears Prada, and I have to gently explain that I'm not a part of that aspect. Once I begin to explain overseas production details and sell-thru percentages, the conversation usually comes to a complete halt.

Everything went smoothly except for one guest who seemed so anxious and forgetful. He made up his bed and began to look for his belongings. We pointed out that they were on another bed. He walked over and began making up that bed. We explained that he just needed to bring his belonging over to the bed he originally made up, and this appeared to boggle his mind somehow.

After walking around out of sorts for a bit, he proceeded to try and make yet another bed. Finally, I got huffy and explained that he was to use only the bed he originally made up and that he was only making more work for us by setting up other beds. I got the feeling that he couldn't comprehend the idea that he already picked out his bed. I swear I smelled alcohol on his breath, which would explain his actions; and give me reason to ban him. He appeared non-threatening so I left it as is. I am not one to wield that kind of power so freely.

This guest ended up tossing and turning, and when he was not in his bed, walking around all night. This morning, when we all woke up, we saw that he had already left before everyone else; choosing not to wait for the bus that picks up all of our guests.

I really hope he finds the peace he needs.

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