Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Rescue Me

They are filming something for this show now around the block from me. There was much hustle and bustle earlier tonight as I was walking by the equipment. So, me thinks it's actually going to be full scenes and not location shooting. I'm used to movie and television shoots here, especially downtown, and I have ambivalent feelings about it. On one hand, it brings revenue into the city. On the other hand, it disrupts your neighborhood. Sometimes, you aren’t allowed certain places when they are setting up. When that happens, it can be a total pain in the ass!

I have only come across an actual filming in progress once. During my first summer here, I stumbled upon Al Pacino shooting a scene for a movie called Chinese Coffee at a Laundromat on West 4th Street.

It was exciting and Al was so friendly to all of us in the crowd watching.

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