Monday, January 29, 2007

Healthy Arches

Leave it to McDonald's to happily comply to the chaos that is the new trans fat ban. I have to ask myself, how can both the corporation and the customer be such Stepford Wives? Doesn't one have to control the other in order to succeed? Instead you have both who are partners in this crime against humanity.

I don't know about you, but I'm so way over the healthy-iz-ation of junk food. I firmly believe that it only leads us to more unhealthy eating. Like it's going to somehow be "different" if the puffy cheese sticks that are loaded with unpronounceable ingredients are going to be healthier if it did not contain trans fats, or if it's now "low-sodium". Why not just practice portion control, basic exercise and get on with life?

There's nothing wrong with chowing down on food that's bad for you once in awhile, but do it in total moderation. Why is that so hard to learn these days? It's when we have the audacity to convince ourselves that "healthy" junk food is much better, that the four horsemen of the Apocalypse begin to ride across the horizon.

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